postpartum massages
Closing the bones, new mama massage, C-section scar massage
New mama massage
This massage encourages gentle healing in the postnatal period - to allow the whole you to rest, restore and be nurtured. New parents are often crying out for attention in the first few months of having baby - caring for yourself is caring for your baby.
You will lie on a massage couch for a glorious 60 or 90 minutes whilst we pay attention to the whole body and specifically, aching muscles and limbs. We work gently to encourage the release of muscle memory of birth and give you the time and space to process this amazing time of life. We will combine hands on soft tissue massage techniques on the back and front of the body with rebozo (handwoven shawl) techniques to gentle rock, wrap and bind the body.
Nurturing the WHOLE you - body, mind and soul wellness!
1 x 1hr session - £55 1 x 1.5hr session - £75
Had a C-section birth?
Tight scar? Overhang? sore back? dislike the scarring? numbness?
Whatever your story, at whatever point, we can help. Massaging your scar can totally change how you feel about it…
Postpartum Closing the Bones is done in the first few months of birth (a minimum of 6 hours postpartum!*).
Naomi comes to you, so you can fully relax at home with your baby. It is wonderful to have a number done in the forth trimester/40 days post birth (as is traditionally done) and helps the new parent integrate the birthing process, bringing energy back to their creative centre (the womb).
Closing the Bones encourages the internal organs return to their natural space and the muscles and ligaments around the belly to relax, improving circulation, supporting lymphatic drainage, breastfeeding and the removal of excess fluids.
closing the bones
1 x 2hr session - £125
3 x 2hr sessions - £315
What is Closing the bones?
When might I want a Closing the Bones Ceremony?
Any time you need space to process life's ups, downs and challenges - with love, support & ritual in your healing process. Perhaps:
after birth (immediately or years later)
after losing a baby, miscarrying, a stillbirth or termination
with prolapse and hysterectomy
when trying to conceive
when breastfeeding is challenging
marking the end of your breastfeeding journey
honouring milestones/anniversaries
honouring menarche (your first period) - when it happens or years later
getting married
supporting perimenopause or marking menopause and the transition to Second Spring/Crones/Wise Woman
experiencing loss - splitting up, divorce, jobs, loved ones,
changes and events in life - marriage, new job, moving house…
anxiety, shock and PTSD
Helping with endometriosis, painful periods, diastasis recti
Ancestral trauma and trans-generational wounding
can help those with ADD, autism, or to help people with overwhelm or sensory overstimulation
can help with endometriosis, PCOS, painful periods, prolapse, diastasis recti
healing (physical, sexual, emotional, domestic) abuse and trauma
ancestral trauma or trans-generational wounding
people who have suffered female genital mutilation
people who have been trafficked
terminally ill people, so they can create a goodbye ceremony with loved ones as rite of passage
This beautiful traditional Ecuadorian abdominal massage and ceremony, is given soon after birth (within the first week, except with c-section) to help heal, nurture and create a sense of profound space within.
It is not limited to immediate postpartum and can actually be performed decades later to honour this major right of passage. The ceremony is extremely beneficial to bring closure to, to recognise and own major events or Rites of Passage in our lives - times of great upheaval, distress or joy that change us.
During a ceremony, a traditional Mexican Rebozo/manta/shawl is used, gently rocking, sifting, wrapping and binding - especially the hips - which stimulates circulation & energy and promotes physical, mental, emotional healing the whole body. The ribs, abdomen, hips, womb and upper body are massaged with warming & nourishing oils. Once bound in 8 ceremonial hand-weaved rebozos, you are held in a cocoon-like space, in a manner that feels appropriate (between us): in silence, meditation, guided meditation, visualisation, with sound healing or energy work. You continue to integrate the experience whilst enjoying a soothing herbal tea after your massage.