Learn and gain more in depth experience on one of our regular Online masterclasses - 90 minute workshops which focus on specific themes.
Breath for Active Birth
The breath is your connection to your innate power. Have you seen a newborn baby breathe? Over time and life experience, our breath may change & adapt to cope with difficult situations/stress - do you hold the breath? or breathe through the mouth? In this practical Yoga workshop we go back to breath basics, allowing the body to breathe - a simple reminder. We then step out of the thinking mind and into the feeling body. We will focus on breathing practices you might find useful in Pregnancy, when you give birth to your baby, for the forth trimester and life.
This Master Class will also include gentle Yoga stretches with the breath, suggestions for active birth and a Yoga Nidra/Sound Relaxation.
This is an online class - you will need a quiet place with enough room to move about. A blanket or towel may be sufficent if you don’t have a Yoga mat. A ball can be handy too.
A recording will be available for 7 days, in case you can’t attend live.
Next dates tbc
Birthing balls
Pregnant and not quite sure what to do with your birthing ball? This is a fun experiential Yoga workshop exploring all things ball...
We will be experience:
how to use your ball safely,
incorporating it into your every day life,
to ease backache and make you physically more comfortable,
to help baby get into a good position (optimal foetal positioning),
to stretch and strengthen your pregnant body,
for relaxation,
for Active birth,
supporting your postnatal body
Yoga movement, breath & relaxation.
This is an online class. You will need a gym ball and quiet place with enough room to move about. A blanket or towel may be sufficent if you don’t have a Yoga mat.
A recording will be available for 7 days, in case you can’t attend live.
Next dates tbc
Total relaxation & hypno yoga
Activate your ability to relax by combining calming and hypnotic breath and movement of Yoga, with deeply soothing Hypnotherapeutic tecniques, Yoga Nidra & a soothing Sacred Sound bath.
During this morning of Total Relaxation, we will deeply nourish you (and baby) as you travel your journey of pregnancy and birth. Empowering and nurturing you to feel more focused, confident and calm, allowing stress to melt away.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy and birth make women more naturally receptive to self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a completely natural state of absorption or focussed attention. It opens the mother to the transformative power of creative visualisations, new perspectives and positive change. Everyone responds uniquely to hypnosis, but most women describe the experience as deeply relaxing and nurturing.
It is important to be assured that during self-hypnosis and deep relaxation the mother will be totally in control and actively engaged at all time.
Please note, this is not a hypnobirthing class as such, but Yoga combined with hypnotherapeutic techniques. There will also be plenty of time for tea, chat & a healthy snack.
You will receive a handout & audios to support your home practice
Location: The Manor Health and Wellness Centre, CO3 3LX
Next dates tbc
Pregnancy sound bath
An antidote to stress - total relaxation for you, baby and your partner. Soothe the nervous system through sound & vibration, activating the Rest & Repair Response.
Experience a state deep relaxation through Sound. Giving you and your partner the opportunity to unwind, feel grounded and centred, ready for the week ahead in growing your baby!
There will be a few gentle stretches, focused pregnancy breathing exercises to ease out the physical body before you snuggle down with blankets, cushions etc. and let the soothing vibrations of Sacred Sounds encircle you. We have many instruments of diverse heritage, all of which nurture, restore and delight the nervous system, promoting deep healing, happiness and vitality...
The vibrational frequencies of each instrument activate the Relaxation Rest & Repair Response and therefore a plethora of positive physical, mental & emotional health benefits - such as lowering blood pressure, helping to self regulate, relax muscles and reduce tension, pains reduces as endorphins increase, circulation improved... etc
Heart-centered Meditation and refreshments to end will help bring you back to Yourself. Cam & centred
Location: The Manor Health and Wellness Centre, CO3 3LX
Next Date TBC
Stable pelvis
Stay strong and empowered during pregnancy & way beyond by looking after your pelvis, pelvic floor and energy.
Having pelvic instability does not mean you have to avoid Yoga all together. It just means you have to be very careful with the Yoga movements you make.
This Master Class is suitable for any pregnant person - if you have or don't have pelvic instability. It is for those who plan to stay empowered, strong and stable as baby grows -by preventing, managing & supporting instability. It will also help you gain awareness of your own pelvic energy in the context of Yoga. You don't need any background, flexibility or experience in Yoga to come along.
This is a fun experiential workshop about all things pelvis! There will also be plenty of time for pregnancy breathwork, a mini Sound Bath, chat and refreshments.
We will take a curious look at...
your own pelvic anatomy - structure, muscles, bones, ligaments
the energetic, subtle anatomy of your pelvis - how to connect to your energy, the chakras and integrating it in your every day life with your growing baby
how the pelvic muscles exercises relate to specific Yoga practices
how to get up and down safely from chairs, the floor, bed, the car etc
what Yoga positions to avoid and what you CAN do!
strengthening exercises - supporting the joints and using props and furniture to support
Location: The Manor Health and Wellness Centre, CO3 3LX